The wegmed caminhos medicinais ltda. It is a pharmaceutical chemistry industry, established in 2010, located in southern brazil, parana state, city of arapongas and certified by anvisa.

Numbers that are part of our company


Years of market


kg produced per year


m2 of production area


Heparin Sodium Crude Bovine

Heparinoid Sodium Crude


The Wegmed has operating permit by ANVISA and all your transactions are based on the standards of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), aiming at continuous improvement and consistency in its quality standards. The collection of the raw material is carried out in slaughterhouses certified by SIF (Ministry of Agriculture’s Federal Inspection Service). The company has the Halal certification, showing the pursuit of growth in different markets worldwide.

Quality Control

The Quality Control is responsible for analyzing, checking, control and monitor each step of the production process. This ensures production of a quality product within the required specification standards.

Quality Warranty

In the constant search for excellence in all operations, Quality Assurance is responsible for preparing and controlling all documentation involved in structural and productive operation of the company as well as the verification and approval of the final product, ensuring traceability at all stages of the production process within the international quality standards.

About Us

The Wegmed Caminhos Medicinais Ltda is a pharmaceutical chemistry industry, established in 2010, located in southern Brazil, Parana state, city Arapongas and certified by ANVISA. Consisting of dedicated lines and formed by qualified professionals, facilities and operations are based on the standards of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), becoming a benchmark in quality.


Produce products with high quality according to the requirements of our customers, looking for innovation and development of new technologies aimed at preserving the environment and the quality of life of the population.


Our vision is to stand out as a major producer of Active Pharmaceutical Inputs on the world stage.


Production is formed by a team of employees highly trained and committed to producing high quality products, with a line of modern and dedicated equipment in order to follow the standard operating procedures to ensure the production of pharmaceutical ingredients in order correct and organized.

Talk to us

Rua Saracura do Mangue, 986 Pq. Industrial Araucárias CEP 86703-788 Arapongas – Pr
+55 (43) 3172-7050

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